Saturday, February 19, 2005

Parking Lot

Circa 1980—San Mateo, California

I knew since I was a small kid that I wanted to be a policeman when I grew up. I involved myself in every thing from Explorer scouts to Community Service Officer until I was old enough to become one. I took one job as an armed security officer for a shopping center in San Mateo, CA. Our responsibilities were varied and one of my favorite was patrolling the many parking lots that bordered the mall. It was my favorite because you never knew what you were going to find.

On one rainy-misty winter day I took the patrol car out and one of the other officers with me. It was about 1 PM and nothing was going on, especially since it was an open-air mall and the weather impacted business directly. We didn't expect to find anything.

We cruised around for about 30 minutes before checking the second level of the north side parking lot. As we climbed the ramp and started looking for people and cars, we saw a white Ford Mustang parked along the north wall. It was the only car on the entire second level. Nothing unusual about that. People left their cars in unusual places at unusual times for a variety of crazy reasons. It would have been more suspicious if it had been backed in, but it wasn't.

Anyway, I drove by it just to look things over when we noticed it was occupied. The windows were slightly steamed up and there were two people inside. I pulled up behind the car so it couldn't leave, just in case this might have been an abduction in the worst case scenario. My partner and I walked up to the car and found two guys with their pants and underwear down around their ankles and yanking their units. The passenger had just climaxed just as I tapped on the window. The driver was trying hard to bust his nut, but I think I screwed up his concentration. They were startled, embarrassed and scared as hell. I thought it was hot!

We made sure everything was cool, no drugs involved, no force or coercion. My partner was disgusted and in a hurry to get the hell out of there. He was clearly uncomfortable. Me, well I was extremely intrigued. Even while the guys were pulling up their shorts I was too busy staring at cock to notice much else. They were normal looking, handsome guys around my age. They didn't look like fags.

I wanted to talk with them and maybe get to know them somehow because I wanted some of that—some of them. I couldn't though, less I give myself away to my red-neck, homophobic partner. But wait, I was a straight guy who was just curious. What's wrong with that? He would understand, right?


My partner kept nagging at me return to the car, but I couldn't right away because he'd see my woody if I did. He wanted out of there and he wanted to be gone now. I was disappointed. Maybe if I had patrolled alone I could have met these two hunks on my own, conduct a little "investigation" and figure out I was a homo by about 8 years earlier than I did.

I could imagine the conversation I would have had with these guys...

Tap, tap, tap on the window

"Sir may I see some identification," I would ask of the driver. "Nice cock. Can I see that too?"

I asked the same of the passenger, but added, "Oh, don't worry about that cum on your ID. Its all good. By the way, how big is that beast of yours anyway? Ten inches?"

"Why don't you come see for yourself."

I would reply cautiously not knowing what I'd be getting myself into, "Maybe
later...on my break about an hour from now?" praying he'd say OK.

I would press on, "So, how did you two hook up? How did you find each other?" I wanted to know so I could find others.

I imagine that's how it would have gone. I would have pursued my intrusion into their privacy and sex making until I was satisfied, until I was doing what they were doing.

Unfortunately I had to leave them be. A few minutes later they drove away.

For the next two months at the same time of day, I checked the very same parking lot and all others hoping once again to find a white Ford Mustang parked along a wall with steamed windows.

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